Sándor Szabó
“Who cares today what they are writing?
The language of the age is the photo.”
/P. Howard/
I was born in 1977 in Hungary. Already in my childhood I was infected with love for photography. I was introduced to photography with my father's Смена-1 machine. I was able to train myself with more serious equipment in my teen-age. Since 2010 I have considered photography as a profession and I have been working to become the best photographer.
Of the many photographic genres I specialize in portrait, nude, glamour[1] and fashion photography. The principles of classical school are the closest to me, so the clarity and simplicity characterize my pictures. In addition I would like to pass on my knowledge to other photographers who are now trying their wings.
I would like to go to the footsteps of my masters, Roland Pallagi and Peter Szipal, who I learned a lot from. Hope interesting photo years and special people are waiting for me.
[1]glamour [glæmər] n A genre of photography in which the subjects are portrayed in positions where the goal is the fascination, seduction or attraction, especially by a combination of charm and good looks. For glamour models body shape and size are directly related to success. Due to its nature, the models depicted are most often pretty young ladies. It is often confused with the nude photography, but it is the artistic representation of the naked human body. In contrast, glamour photography is not necessarily nudity.